Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Eat. Pray. Love

Eat. Pray. Love.
A book I read a few years ago during a dark time, after a break up, while searching my soul for direction. It was fitting at the time.
The lessons learned from this book reach far and wide for me. I sometimes reflect on what I have learned and how far I have come.

Eat. Pray. Love 2013

I have embarked and embraced my new paleo out look and evenings at crossfit. I am learning to eat clean, to eat to be healthy and strong. I am changing the way I look at food and the way it affects my body. I will not lie, I indulged in everything that is no longer in my diet for the two weeks prior to the paleo change, knowing that it was my mind and habits that needed to change is the biggest step.  I cook more. My boyfriend likes seeing me in the kitchen (he is a cook).  I have not had a diet coke since Saturday. I have not had any sugar, carbs, cheese, dairy, beans .... and so forth. I have had water, more water than I think I have ever consumed daily. I drink green tea and it gives me energy. I have had horrific headaches that made my skin crawl and then they went away. I am sleeping better. I am a bit bitchy to be honest. I know it will fade. But over all I am 3 days in and feel great.

I am not perse religious, but part of the challenge includes 10 mins of mediation. I figure it's 10 minutes how hard can it be. Wow. 10 minutes is a long time to quiet my brain. This is my pray. This is my challenge.
I know it will help focus me, center me, give me better projection and clarity. But this hard and I know it is going to be hard but the best things happen when you work hard especially when it comes to improving yourself. It isn't "praying" but it is my interpretation of the meaning.

What is love. How many ways is there to love. Loving people. Loving things. Loving moments. Loving activities. I love going to crossfit. I went years ago when Danny Vee opened up in Beverly, but I just didn't feel it. I didn't click.
Crossfit full potential works for me. I needed crossfit. I didn't walk for the whole summer without pain. I tore two ligaments in my ankle. I had to learn to move my foot, my ankle, walk, and gain confidence that I would be able to do all of this. When I was through with physical therapy, I joined crossfit. I love the people, the workouts, the confidence I have gained in being strong again, I am far from where I want to be, but I am not where i was. I love the challenges that we face in the box. I love the thrill of getting multiple double unders!
I love who I am becoming because of the changes I am making.
Small steps, goals, clarity and health.

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