Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Taking It All In

Each week that goes by I am realizing how much there is to learn about living a clean and healthy life style. It can be overwhelming but making the changes gradually seems to be working for me. The diet is going well. I feel great. I fit into another pair of jeans this week! HUGE SUCCESS!

My 2 discoveries this week: the endless benefits of coconut oil and magnesium.
Until this week these two products have never been in my arsenal of essentials for every day life. 

Former essentials: Diet coke, Cheese, Diet coke, Chocolate, self tanning lotion, Red bull...

I now drink water and green tea and maybe treat myself to a coconut water on the weekends. I miss cheese but not what it does to my body.

My new lotion/facial wash/conditioner of choice is coconut oil. Here is a link to a great blog I like...

I have also started using the coconut oil as a lip balm and moisturizer, and shaving cream. For as funny as it seems all of these new benefits for my body would have never come along if not for this Paleo Challenge. As in my previous post timing really plays a part in when the right thing, challenge, person, place, job etc comes along.

I maybe crazy but I get anxiety attacks as I am trying to fall asleep. I have trouble shutting my mind off, whether it is tasks I have done, have to do or stress about money etc... we all have these issues but mine tend to keep me up late at night. 

Upon mentioning this to my nutritionist, she mentioned taking Magnesium at dinner. With her advice I purchased the magnesium and did my research about how, why, what etc... 

"Studies suggest that magnesium deficiency may also be one of the causes of insomnia, a condition that is experienced by an estimated one out of two Americans. Magnesium eases anxiety, relaxes muscles and nerves resulting in an overall improvement of your night’s sleep."

The magnesium and a cup of sleepy time tea works wonders. I have had the best night sleep since taking these two together.  

My body feels great with all of the healthy nourishing foods I am taking in, while using coconut oil my skin is getting hydrated with a natural essential oil that can be used year round, and my mind is taking in the magnesium and relaxing my mind and soul. So far this journey has been rewarding and enlightening. I am now spreading the wealth of the knowledge I am taking in and passing along the benefits I have received thus far. 

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