Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Timing and the End Result

I sat down with a friend Friday evening, who has been going to school to become a yoga instructor. She is an inspiration as a young single mother and a friend. It is a conversation that we had that really made me think about timing.
She mentioned that with all of the different options that were available in regards to learning the art of becoming a yoga instructor she feels as if she was meant to be in the class she is in with the people she is learning with. Everything is timing. Most of what impacts us in our lives in timing.

Embarking on a new journey in 2013 with an outlook of dedication to my health, career and happiness the year begins as usual.....
Every year I commit to sobriety from New Year's Day until St. Patrick's Day. It is mind over matter and adjusting to social circumstances.  I do not have any preconceived notations that I will be sober forever. It is just a time I take to cleanse my system from the holidays and previous year.

Changing habits is a process and usually takes a bit of commitment. Coach Lola mentioned to me that after two weeks you will be addicted to how good you feel that it will not be a commitment but a life style.  While mediating last night I felt a cleaner energy throughout my body. I am finding my workouts are getting better and I am achieving small goals that I have set faster (physically). I am also enjoying cooking and preparing my meals for the week.

Its funny I used to fall asleep thinking about Crossfit for the next day and what the WOD would be and how sore I would be, now I am falling asleep thinking about what meal I am planning and the paleo benefits that I feel as I am living this new life style.

I realize there are specific health benefits that have to do with real health issues. But I have found and maybe others would agree, I am much more focused, I have the ability to get through days without a sluggish feeling, I literally feel better as if my body is thanking me.

After my first full week, I weighed myself and I had listened to other fellow challengers speak of their weight loss and goals; but my first week did not yield the results I was hoping for, but for the first time I made a decision to stay dedicated because of how I am feeling. It is always about the End Result, but more important to so many people it is about the instant gratification of seeing weight loss.  This challenge and life style isn't about instant gratification it is about a journey that at this time in my life is meant to be.

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