Wednesday, December 19, 2012


"Today is a new day, a new beginning.
It has been given to me as a new gift.
I can either use it or throw it away.
What I can do today will affect me tomorrow.
I cannot blame anyone but myself if I do not succeed.
I promise to use this day to the fullest
by giving my best, realizing it can never come back again.
This is my life and I choose to make it a success."

This is a mantra I first read at my restaurant Agave in Newburyport, MA. It moved me the first time I read it and has moved most people who stop and read the inspiring quote.  Some people take a picture of it, some people just turn and around say that is awesome. 
I read some where that a young girl was assigned as a homework assignment to memorize this mantra and to be able to recite it the next day in class. If a little girl can memorize something so meaningful, I think i can too and I think I can recite it every morning. This affects your outlook at your job, at crossfit, in your relationships with friend and families, in your community. In your life.
Strive to be a better person than you are today. Strive to be a person you can look up to. 

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