Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One more rep is always attainable

There was a football game last night... at the time it was important as most of you know I am football junkie.
Monday Night Football New England Patriots vs the #1 team in the league Houston Texans... anyways that was a joke. Of course the Pats showed up proving their dominance on all sides of the ball and once again that Tom Brady truly his an MVP.

So I didn't go to crossfit last night and I went this morning. WOD:


Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes
2 Bench Press


Alternating Tabata
Front Squats
Double Unders
Box Jumps
I am actually starting to like the alternating Tabata. I have my front squats down and felt good about my form. I added a plate to my small little box I jump onto. My goal was to get a few double unders. I got one  on each of the last rounds. The first one I did I got so excited I did it I almost tripped over the rope when it came back around. (it was early in the am)
I left feeling like I could conquer the world. The blessing of an early morning workout that gives you a better buzz than coffee or in my case diet coke. So I figure I am about 2 months into crossfit. I truly try to go 3 times a week and again on Saturday morning. I will also be adding a membership to a gym starting in January on the days I am not at the box. 
Improvements/Progress. I am jumping on a bigger box for box jumps, I have gone down a band in my pullups. I back squatted 75 pounds a week ago. I got two double unders in one workout.  I made it to a morning class. My front squat keeps getting better. Although most of these are small improvements they are a lot to me coming off an injury. 
Mantra: One more rep is always attainable 

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