Friday, December 14, 2012

We are who we are from the experiences that mold us

I would say that my experiences at crossfit make me stronger everyday. Last night we had a test and recorded scores on a Press, Deadlift and Back squat. I would say i am about 6 week into a my experience at crossfit. I know that about 4 weeks ago I deadlifted 95 lbs with struggle. Last night i deadlifted 185 max. The improvements from week to week may be small but over the course of those weeks the progress really adds up.

I love talking to my friends at crossfit and find what other fear I excel in and what I can't do they excel in.
It is true to form that we are all individuals just pushing ourselves to improve. I love love love doing handstands. I will do them for an hour. Then other people are legit scared of being upside down. But they can climb a rope and do a consistent double under. Two things I so want to accomplish.

I wish there were was more time in the day I would go to crossfit everyday. It is truly become an addiction that I love. When I was at crossfit before there was never this connection that I have now. I think you have to be ready for all of what crossfit entails.

Its these experiences each time I walk in the door that make me want more. I set small goals I can accomplish but the small goals build my ambition, drive and determination to be better.


Jenthebest said...

I love handstands!!! Keep at it girl. Much love.

Lara said...

been a long time since you have posted a blog. I used to read them religiously while you were in AZ. Hope to see you get back in the habit with all the wonderful things you have been doing.