Wednesday, December 19, 2012


"Today is a new day, a new beginning.
It has been given to me as a new gift.
I can either use it or throw it away.
What I can do today will affect me tomorrow.
I cannot blame anyone but myself if I do not succeed.
I promise to use this day to the fullest
by giving my best, realizing it can never come back again.
This is my life and I choose to make it a success."

This is a mantra I first read at my restaurant Agave in Newburyport, MA. It moved me the first time I read it and has moved most people who stop and read the inspiring quote.  Some people take a picture of it, some people just turn and around say that is awesome. 
I read some where that a young girl was assigned as a homework assignment to memorize this mantra and to be able to recite it the next day in class. If a little girl can memorize something so meaningful, I think i can too and I think I can recite it every morning. This affects your outlook at your job, at crossfit, in your relationships with friend and families, in your community. In your life.
Strive to be a better person than you are today. Strive to be a person you can look up to. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

We are who we are from the experiences that mold us

I would say that my experiences at crossfit make me stronger everyday. Last night we had a test and recorded scores on a Press, Deadlift and Back squat. I would say i am about 6 week into a my experience at crossfit. I know that about 4 weeks ago I deadlifted 95 lbs with struggle. Last night i deadlifted 185 max. The improvements from week to week may be small but over the course of those weeks the progress really adds up.

I love talking to my friends at crossfit and find what other fear I excel in and what I can't do they excel in.
It is true to form that we are all individuals just pushing ourselves to improve. I love love love doing handstands. I will do them for an hour. Then other people are legit scared of being upside down. But they can climb a rope and do a consistent double under. Two things I so want to accomplish.

I wish there were was more time in the day I would go to crossfit everyday. It is truly become an addiction that I love. When I was at crossfit before there was never this connection that I have now. I think you have to be ready for all of what crossfit entails.

Its these experiences each time I walk in the door that make me want more. I set small goals I can accomplish but the small goals build my ambition, drive and determination to be better.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

One more rep is always attainable

There was a football game last night... at the time it was important as most of you know I am football junkie.
Monday Night Football New England Patriots vs the #1 team in the league Houston Texans... anyways that was a joke. Of course the Pats showed up proving their dominance on all sides of the ball and once again that Tom Brady truly his an MVP.

So I didn't go to crossfit last night and I went this morning. WOD:


Every Minute on the Minute for 10 Minutes
2 Bench Press


Alternating Tabata
Front Squats
Double Unders
Box Jumps
I am actually starting to like the alternating Tabata. I have my front squats down and felt good about my form. I added a plate to my small little box I jump onto. My goal was to get a few double unders. I got one  on each of the last rounds. The first one I did I got so excited I did it I almost tripped over the rope when it came back around. (it was early in the am)
I left feeling like I could conquer the world. The blessing of an early morning workout that gives you a better buzz than coffee or in my case diet coke. So I figure I am about 2 months into crossfit. I truly try to go 3 times a week and again on Saturday morning. I will also be adding a membership to a gym starting in January on the days I am not at the box. 
Improvements/Progress. I am jumping on a bigger box for box jumps, I have gone down a band in my pullups. I back squatted 75 pounds a week ago. I got two double unders in one workout.  I made it to a morning class. My front squat keeps getting better. Although most of these are small improvements they are a lot to me coming off an injury. 
Mantra: One more rep is always attainable 

Friday, September 21, 2012

What a roller-coaster of a year 2012 has been. I fell in love. I moved to quick. I struggled. I got hurt (bad). I lost a job. A job I loved. I lost my way. I got lost while I lost my way. I dug myself out of a hole. I rehabbed my injury back to a place where I can push myself to be strong again. I turned 35. I had an issue with turning 35. Now I am okay with it. Love: a rough road to follow sometimes. a rough journey to see through. getting over the difficulties together forms a union that gets stronger everyday. Grace is returned even when along the way the devil shows his horns. Loss: losing a job i loved opened so many doors to possibilities i would have never seen if my eyes were still shut. some jobs trap you and some jobs free you to be successful and that builds your confidence. sometimes they fall in your lap at the right time and with the right people. i feel blessed to know i don't burn bridges and always keep in touch with people that can help me. Lost: part of my nature i am assuming. sometimes not knowing what is going to happen next freaks the hell out of me. yes i can be a control freak. but this time i was at the will of karma, fate, faith and belief. a lesson learned only through patience, gritting out the hard days and knowing something better will come along Pain: injuries side line people. i let it get me down, i did. but i fought back with everything i had to get better. i lost every once of work i put in for the past two years to get strong physically and mentally. it just goes to show you that sometimes you have to listen to your body and learn from your body. i am grateful to the physical therapist who helped heal my injury (ankle), my belief and confidence to walk again. Now... i am joining crossfit on monday, i hope to document my journey down the road to regaining my strength. the new skinny is strong. i want my stamina and confidence and sexiness back. i will get it and nothing will stop me. i love my job. some days it is trying but it helps you appreciate the good days more. i love my boyfriend. some days i don't know how or why i do, but we have definitely come a long way on communicating, sharing space, sharing ourselves and building a foundation that is not quick sand, it is small stable structure. ... more to come...