Friday, September 21, 2012

What a roller-coaster of a year 2012 has been. I fell in love. I moved to quick. I struggled. I got hurt (bad). I lost a job. A job I loved. I lost my way. I got lost while I lost my way. I dug myself out of a hole. I rehabbed my injury back to a place where I can push myself to be strong again. I turned 35. I had an issue with turning 35. Now I am okay with it. Love: a rough road to follow sometimes. a rough journey to see through. getting over the difficulties together forms a union that gets stronger everyday. Grace is returned even when along the way the devil shows his horns. Loss: losing a job i loved opened so many doors to possibilities i would have never seen if my eyes were still shut. some jobs trap you and some jobs free you to be successful and that builds your confidence. sometimes they fall in your lap at the right time and with the right people. i feel blessed to know i don't burn bridges and always keep in touch with people that can help me. Lost: part of my nature i am assuming. sometimes not knowing what is going to happen next freaks the hell out of me. yes i can be a control freak. but this time i was at the will of karma, fate, faith and belief. a lesson learned only through patience, gritting out the hard days and knowing something better will come along Pain: injuries side line people. i let it get me down, i did. but i fought back with everything i had to get better. i lost every once of work i put in for the past two years to get strong physically and mentally. it just goes to show you that sometimes you have to listen to your body and learn from your body. i am grateful to the physical therapist who helped heal my injury (ankle), my belief and confidence to walk again. Now... i am joining crossfit on monday, i hope to document my journey down the road to regaining my strength. the new skinny is strong. i want my stamina and confidence and sexiness back. i will get it and nothing will stop me. i love my job. some days it is trying but it helps you appreciate the good days more. i love my boyfriend. some days i don't know how or why i do, but we have definitely come a long way on communicating, sharing space, sharing ourselves and building a foundation that is not quick sand, it is small stable structure. ... more to come...