Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Its Been Another Year

Funny how so much can change in a year. Life, love, trying to find love, living situations, friendships and more importantly me. Somedays I feel like i am going backwards. Most days I am pursuing a dream and a passion for travel and figuring out how to make my passion my career.
A vow I would like to make this year is to me more active on my blog. Continue with Bikram Yoga and watch and experience how it will change my body and my life. Continue to constantly improve myself and the lives of those around me. I would also like to be more involved in the community in which I live. I am reaching out to anyone that can help me become involved in community service in Beverly. I love this town and plan to live here for as long as possible.

I am on my own. In my own place for the first time basically ever in my life. It is so fantastic. I have to work a little harder and be a little more aware of what I am doing with my money. But all in all I am finally happy in a place that I call my own.

The year ahead, has new learning experiences as I embark on studying to become a certified Travel agent...with that I need to find a job to help with my learning experience. I hope to reach Colorado for a reunion of friends and family that once lived out there.
My 34th birthday is on Monday and per usual it seems as if there is a hurricane... Irene heading towards us. It was a day I had hoped to spend on a boat with some close friends but it may not be possible. But nonetheless... I will go home and be with family and hopefully spend time with some friends as well. Fingers crossed i get a Kayak.

I am sure I will have more reflection over the next few days. I will do my best to pay due diligence to keeping this updated.